What is Jewelery? – Ikigai Art


What is Jewelery?

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The Spanish term bisutería derives from the French bijouterie which in turn comes from bijou, a word that indicates a jewel made of non-precious materials (therefore, generally not gold). By jewellery, therefore, we refer to the set of jewelery and also to the store in which they are sold.

In the past, the term also included trinkets and small pieces, today, however, with articles of jewelery we mainly understand earrings , bracelets , necklaces , rings and brooches produced with low-value materials, in particular metals such as brass, bronze, steel or aluminium, but also polymer clay, wood, plastic and ceramics, and non-precious stones, especially zircons or pastes (eg turquoise paste).

Costume jewelry was born as “stage jewelry”, that is, “fake” jewelry that was used in the world of entertainment, precisely on stage, instead of real ones. Later, however, it was commercialized and was very successful thanks to the low prices of costume jewelery compared to the more expensive jewelery obtained with precious metals and stones.

Costume jewelery is often created at an industrial level, but even the big fashion brands are designing high-quality costume jewellery.

It was in the city of Providence that the most important jewelry for movie stars was created. Some, of such beauty that they seem absolutely real, even if they have a lesser value. But at this point its diffusion is such that it has become an industrial product with very low prices. Although it is now a commercial phenomenon, the production of costume jewelery has become a phenomenon within everyone's reach. In fact, it has become a very popular hobby, especially among women.

As a result of this interest, numerous courses, fairs and markets dedicated to this sector were born. There are many websites where you can find clear explanations of the techniques, as well as numerous stores where you can buy all kinds of materials to create these jewels.

Jewelery is already on the market within everyone's reach. However, a clear distinction must be made with luxury jewelry, which despite having nothing to do with precious materials, has reached such a level of beauty and refinement that it reaches very high costs. It is usually sold signed by haute couture brands and aimed at buyers with excellent economic capacities. Of course, there are also different levels of cost for hobby-level creation. It all depends on the materials you use and their basic cost.


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